
St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

学生俱乐部 & 组织

St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生 are provided with abundant opportunities to enrich their academic experience 和 provide needed services to others through one of the many 商学院 clubs 和 organizations.


The American Advertising Federal is a national organization that hosts an annual National Student Advertising Competition in which students from colleges 和 universities across the nation present advertising campaigns to industry executives.

被称为世界广告大赛, the competition affords student teams the opportunity to design strategic advertising 和 media campaigns for real corporate sponsors.

全球网赌十大网站章, 被称为Kwerkworks, 由30名学生组成, 他们中有一半是商学院的专业, 一半来自詹多里传播学院. 学生必须提交一份简历,并接受团队职位面试.

要了解更多和申请,请全球网赌十大网站 Kwerkworks应用程序.


The AMA Club provides opportunities to learn about marketing careers 和 is open to all students interested in marketing, 无论他们的专业或学年.

Members participate in various charity 和 fundraising events including March of Dimes walks 和 volunteer work with the local ASPCA.

The club takes a yearly trip to a major Northeast city (Boston, 纽约, 华盛顿, D.C.) for meetings 和 in-depth discussions with business 和 marketing executives.

全球网赌十大网站我们的 美国医学协会网站


BonaResponds志愿者在工作现场2005年卡特里娜飓风袭击高尔夫海岸时, 杀死1人以上,800人死亡,数百万人无家可归, 一组近300名St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生, staff 和 community volunteers embarked on a two-week relief mission to the affected region.

这是学校历史上规模最大的一次服务之旅, 以及BonaResponds的诞生, 这是有史以来最有活力、最激动人心的学生组织之一.

对任何有使命感的人开放, 它的使命很简单:通过志愿服务帮助他人. BonaResponds answers calls for help from those impacted by major disasters — volunteers traveled to Ohio to help victims of flooding 和 to Alabama after a deadly 和 destructive tornado — 和 from local community members who just need a helping h和.



The Bonaventure会计协会 (BAA) offers students a wide range of professional 和 social opportunities for exploring the accounting profession:

  • 实地考察使学生能够研究金融市场
  • 与在会计行业工作的Bonaventure校友建立联系
  • 使学生在工作中体验专业的服务项目, students gain a greater underst和ing of the field 和 learn about career possibilities.
The club also sponsors various business seminars on campus during the school year such as the Accountants in Residence Day 和 Meet the Accountants Night. 


在这个群体中, 哪个指导老师认为它更像一家公司,而不是一个俱乐部, students work with businesses 和 nonprofits through partnerships with such development groups as the Olean Business Development Corp. 及南部及西部区域规划 & 开发板.

学生们参与当地的商业活动, 大多数创业公司, 在预算预测等方面需要帮助, 营销和其他重要的商业事务.

Students work alongside experienced professionals as they engage with clients, 提供营销和管理方面的建议和服务.

Student participants cite their involvement in C4 as the major factor in their development as effective communicators, 领导者和合作者.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 托德·帕尔默他是管理学副教授


由St开始. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生, this nonprofit organization is focused on sustainable economic development in the small African village of Bethlehem in southern Ug和a.

It works to improve facilities 和 services at Bethlehem 父母 School 和 Orphanage, 和 it uns a government registered micro-finance program to aid local entrepreneurs.



一名博纳文蒂尔大学的学生和来自巴哈马一所学校的学生Enactus is an internationally recognized nonprofit organization that promotes partnership between leaders in business 和 university students to make a difference in their local communities.

被誉为全球最大的体验平台, 创行致力于创造一个更好的, more sustainable world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders 和 social innovators.

Enactus bonds teams of students together in order to advance the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals. 超过72,000名大学生参与了农村活动, 世界各地的城镇, developing 和 managing aimed at improving lives 和 strengthening communities.

在帮助他人的项目中, 学生发展商业和领导技能, as well as a sense of service 和 responsibility to the community 和 world around them.

每年一月,圣. Bonaventure Enactus students undertake an entrepreneurial service trip to the Bahamas. 这次学生组织的旅行包括商业咨询, 与小学合作, 科技博览会和特奥会项目.

  • 教学1,800名学童学习创业的基本知识, 全球经济, 金融知识与价值观
  • 经营以科技为重点的课后项目
  • 为有工作的成年人举办晚间电脑课程
  • 安装学校电脑室
  • 粉刷整栋教学楼
  • assisting in rehabilitating a building into a state-of-the-art distance education/recreation center
创行计划向所有专业的学生开放. 跟着博纳旺蒂尔小组走 脸谱网 和 推特.


The 家族企业俱乐部 prepares students to be significant contributors to their family firms, 创办自己的公司, 或者为家族企业服务, 客户, 供应商及顾问.

对所有学生开放, the club offers networking 和 教育项目 to prepare students for the opportunities 和 daunting challenges unique to family firms. 该俱乐部促进与校友的关系, 为学生提供商务旅游的家长和朋友, 会谈, 指导和实习.

该俱乐部由来自整个校园的跨学科教师提供支持, 都有相关的家族企业经验. 他们为学生提供研讨会、服务和研究机会.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 哈立德阿米拉他是金融学助理教授兼俱乐部顾问.


The 管理俱乐部 provides members an opportunity to develop personally 和 professionally through education, 商务人士协会, 以及领导技能的发展. Members also have the opportunity for involvement in the local business community.

这个俱乐部每年春季学期都会组织一次去大城市的春季旅行, during which students tour well-known businesses 和 acquire a greater sense of the day-to-day operations of successful organizations.

与这些旅行相结合, 校友活动每年在目的地城市(波士顿)举行一次, 纽约, 芝加哥, 华盛顿, D.C.),让俱乐部成员有机会与全球网赌十大网站校友. Similar trips to regional cities (Buffalo, Clevel和, Pittsburgh) are taken in the fall.


要了解更多信息, 电子邮件约翰B. 史蒂文斯,管理学讲师和俱乐部顾问.

 是唯一一个, 专业的销售兄弟会组织, 美国的市场营销和管理. 它让学生与教师互动, alumni 和 the community to create service 和 business opportunities that will broaden students' experiences 和 allow them to learn 和 hone marketing 和 sales skills.

Epsilon Xi分会每学期会开几次会来做计划, 组织, 协调社区服务活动, 教育项目, 融资机会, 并为地区和全国的销售比赛做准备.

  • 理解销售、市场和销售队伍管理的角色
  • 展示在竞争环境中工作的能力
  • 有效地进行口头和非口头沟通
  • 评估绩效的优势和劣势


学生在SIMM会议中进行交流金钱管理专业学生 (SIMM) is an experiential learning program in which students manage a real investment portfolio of approximately $600,000.

学生充分参与投资组合管理过程的各个方面, 学习和应用股权评估技术, 与校友和其他商业专业人士建立联系.

在一位圣. Bonaventure金融学教授, students from a variety of educational backgrounds explore portfolio management theory 和 reinforce their theoretical knowledge by participating in the active management of an actual investment portfolio. There are also guest speakers 和 networking trips to such cities as 纽约 和 芝加哥.

An advisory board, composed of donors 和 alumni, provides general oversight 和 advisement.

收入的分配由顾问委员会决定. 已实现收益的三分之一捐赠给慈善机构, 非营利组织, 三分之一保留在股票基金中, 剩下的三分之一还给捐赠基金.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 詹姆斯Mahar金融学教授.